- Thank you to to @nosapience for introducing me to the phrase "sick stigma" Made me laugh, anyway. in reply to nosapience #
- Watch Red Bull Stratos #LiveJump http://t.co/dvuwjUGo – this looks exciting! #
- I see the Tories are joining "Scottish" Labour in confusing universal benefits with something for nothing. Go #SNP #
- MT @JBordeaux: Good to see presentation scheduled for #KM World: "DIKW Pyramid Must Die." It was stillborn, just needs to be declared so. #
- RT @psd: A day without curry is like a day without sunshine #
- @dominiccampbell see also http://t.co/QgzcWPwq – poor left with less, though rich pay £s more. Will rich or poor leave the UK? in reply to dominiccampbell #
- @dominiccampbell I'm no friend to Tories, but don't top 1% of contribute 27% oftotal tax take and the top 10% >50% [shows how rich they are in reply to dominiccampbell #
- do you have standards for Customer service? Think Carefully before you answer 🙂 #btot http://t.co/Sx19y5xq #
- nice remote working Pinterest board #btot http://t.co/6R0eSVU8 #
- My Top 2 #lastfm Artists: Fishermen's Friends (1363) & Amy Macdonald (3) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/jyefkCk6 #
- My Week in Twitter 2012-10-07: @noirem @ninthspace @Spangila 4 carb heaven in reply to noirem # The phrase "Won'… http://t.co/0qvYwSu5 #
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