- @NorthernSnippet pub I worked, you could choose shifts. But you had to choose a Friday night/Saturday night before any other in reply to NorthernSnippet #
- @samaryd good luck with seeing niece/nephew. Hope it goes well! in reply to samaryd #
- @rattlecans aye, and those in jobs hold to them, so there's nae chance for the young [just doing more tickets at 54, now] in reply to rattlecans #
- @noirem I'd missed that! Congratulations to you and @ninthspace! <ungraceful happy dance> in reply to noirem #
- RT @Spangila: My boss has just emailed to wish me all the best on my "walk" on Sunday… #FB <- ah, know how fast you run? #
- How very sad: http://t.co/YfMMF8uZ Guns keeping people safe, as a father kills his son as a burglar. #
- Astonished at the number of folk who don't use AdBlock/AdBlock Plus #
- Prediction of mobile phones and Flexible working – made in 1964 http://t.co/DKkBtRv6 #
- MT @hjarche: Earth to Humans: I survived the Permian–Triassic extinction event http://t.co/KDM4e1Tf Don't worry about me, but yourselves #
- My week on twitter: 1 retweets received, 3 new followers, 2 mentions. Via: http://t.co/vSvoXsoA #
- Fancy trialing BT Products? If you're not a BT employee, and even if you're not a BT customer register here https://t.co/nSZEmqXJ #
- Scottish Labour cast Free public sevices as "Something for Nothing"? http://t.co/YuZ4i9AT <so, why not vote SNP, and YES #
- Encourage Personal Knowledge Management to drive innovation #btot http://t.co/J4ScaZ6p #
- Indebted to @Blake3987 for pointing me to http://t.co/ab4gOqAq #fb #
- [Security] Amazing mind reader reveals his 'gift': http://t.co/W0IofYy9 via @youtube #btot #fb #
- @The_Moiderer Nice lights. Must admit mind boggled by what sort of therapy the rest of the kit's for! Then I realised renovations in hand… in reply to The_Moiderer #
- @shezza_t which brownie recipe? Still haven't found a perfect one 🙁 in reply to shezza_t #
- Any recommendations for a Kindle Touch Case? Easy to read from, possibly lit. Ideally inexpensive #
- Black tie activists crash HMRC boss' retirement do: http://t.co/Zxl73XTH via @youtube < I so liked this! #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Proclaimers (30), Evita (11) & Sophie Ellis-Bextor (7) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/jyefkCk6 #
- My Week in Twitter 2012-09-23: http://t.co/FIuyoZk2 #xkcd via @dividuum Amazing! # My week on twitter: 3 mention… http://t.co/6rPw4kq3 #
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