The image above is what the website of Inventory magazine looks like, to me.
Like many others, I generally block Flash using Flashblock. Most Flash is an intrusion, and it slows up my machine and uses resources I could use to keep more tabs open… Yes, I can choose to see what is in Flash. Why does this site not want me to see anything?
If I can’t instantly get something from your site… I’ll likely move on, and any chance of sharing knowledge will have gone.
My attention was drawn to this site via a posting from Paul Downey entitled Polite Comment, about Web Design. He’s started looking at Web Design and is trying to encourage
standards based Web sites which work in any browser and which are truly inspirational and from which we can learn from using view-source
I fully support Paul’s campaign, and encourage others to support this.
As I said in Lessons from Jamie Zawinski
You don’t need stuff to be unreadable to be attractive.
One of Paul Downey‘s erstwhile colleagues, Phil Hawksworth, (@philhawksworth), is a passionate advocate of Unobtrusive Javascript and Progressive Enhancement – and made an explanatory site about this. You can see the site at, and read how unobtrusify works.
So, you can make stuff look good and read properly.