Should we reward participation?
Is adding useable knowledge to your employer useful? Should it be part of your actual job?
If it was part of your job, how would you measure it? Should you?
To save time, I think the right answers are Yes; Yes; Yes; Various ways; Yes
Why ask the question now?
As my interest in Social media and wikis has risen over the last year or so, I’ve watched JP talk about social software in the enterprise (many links), and recently been delighted when my firm started the nascent internal social networking, announced publicly by my colleague Richard Dennison
There’s a fair amount of wiki use within the firm, and I like them – despite my ongoing discussion with another colleague Sandy Blair.
We’ve now got an excellent WordPress instance running internally – I think I accidentally publicly announced that, shortly before the official announcement. I like that too, particularly how easy it is to search. I’m still amused that Sandy ranks first for “Glitter Glue” within BT.
We have had a BTpedia – an enterprise wide information wiki for some time.
It’s a source of some mild pleasure that I’ve contributed 0.25% of the content (including some of the most edited/updated articles) although I’m .00125% of the workforce.
This stuff is really taking off, internally
Why the fuss about job descriptions/measuring etc?
One reason that is suggested for non-participation in wikis/social media is the “not real work” argument. People express concern that their management will think they are slacking if they add to wikis/blogs.
Make adding to corporate knowledge part of people’s jobs, with some sort of weighting to it, and people *may* be more willing to do it
As far as measuring goes, until we move to a more Deming driven organisation, you have to show what and how you contribute. Measuring something about your contributions might provide that.
What should we measure
As is often the case, I’m again somewhat beaten to the point by Richard, who in his excellent recent post says
Leadership will be a combination of willingness to engage and connect, and the value of those engagements and connections to the community of users and to the complete enterprise ecosystem. Leadership won’t be about power but influence. And, value to the ecosystem will be measured in terms of contribution rather than achievement
he then highlights
Everyone in a enterprise ecosystem will need to understand that while every perception/view is equally valid, they are not of equal importance… Importance will be a combination of that inferred by the enterprise (as currently happens) and that inferred by the community (willingness to connect/engage and value of those connections/engagements as measured by the community).
To me, that suggests a combination of
- objective measure – perhaps a combination of separate views, incoming links, other citations, and maybe number of comments/edits
- subjective measures – post ranking/karma awards
What do you think should be measured in Enterprise Social Media?
Picture Credit Capt Kodak