How to deal with multiplicity?
I’m deeply puzzled – not that this is at all unusual.
There are lots of social media tools, and many of them link to each other. Like quite a lot of dabblers, I’ve ended up with a mish-mash of updates appearing in varied places. How best to use the wide variety of social media tools at my disposal? I’m coming to the conclusion I need to list and separate what I use – and how.
What do I use?
I’m trying a fair range of things. A fairly full list is below, sorted more or less in frequency of update.
Do I set my location?
Well, yes. Sort of. When I remember.
Largely I use microformats in twitter, as I indicated in Twitter – what it is, and how I use it.
I’ve also used Plazes.
I’m registered with FireEagle but no-one seems to be using that.
How do I update these?
On the web interfaces, often.
For twitter I’ve used and like both snitter and twhirl
For pownce, I’ve used a similar air client.
I’ve updated via voice on phone using Spinvox and by SMS to twitter. I’ve also used both on the web and as a WAP client on my mobile.
Where are they aggregated/streamed?
Often, bits are currently fed one to another – meaning that twitter feeds to jaiku, which feeds to Facebook, which feeds to friendfeed – which is echoed back to Facebook. Which is cluttered, untidy, and very likely the sign of a grasshopper mind.
I currently have some life streaming services I’m playing with at the moment, friendfeed which though I like the interface doesn’t seem to pick up all that’s going on – and onaswarm which gives a nice feel for what’s happening in my area. I’ve also given a shot but I haven’t made my mind up about that yet.
Which way am I heading?
I think I’m going to bite the bullet and take out all the inter-tool updates, with the probable exception of twitterfeed which lets people know when I’ve blogged.
Then it’ll be twitter for quick “What I’m doing/thinking”; for those important bookmarks; tumblr for future blogging ideas or GTD Someday/Maybe, Facebook for contacts, flickr for photos.
I’ll – eventually – choose an aggregator, probably friendfeed as it seems to be gaining traction…
Maybe, then, people won’t see the same wibble in 4 places from me – and won’t that be an improvement?
What are you doing?
I’d like to find out what others are doing.
Are you more choosy than me?
Am I a grasshopper bouncing from one thing to another?
Please, let me know your solutions.
Partial Inspiration
This is also the first blog post I’ve tried following Chris Brogan’s guidelines to Writing Effective Blog Posts. How was it for you?
Picture Credit place light – on a a project –
Great friggin post. I have the same kinda experiment going on my blog and was amazed to find this when you followed me on twitter (codyks). I am trying cut down to twitter and facebook only. Still fighting a few ridiculous myspace moron friends. I think I can do everything I want with those 2 and blog. Personal note they are the best for my blackberry to help with.
Fantastic post. I was thinking of doing one similar because these types of online apps are a huge part of my day. Over the last few days I have become addicted to Twitter. Twitter’s simplicity makes it very fun to use.
[…] love playing with the toys, but I think it’s even more important to try and get an understanding of how this area is […]